Religious Education
Meet the Religious Education Lead
Hello, I’m Mrs Band, the RE Lead here at St Andrew's, and I’ve had the privilege of leading Religious Education since I first joined many years ago. I am passionate about exploring what people think and believe and understanding different life experiences. Faith plays a large part in my own life, and having lived abroad, I’ve had the opportunity to witness how different faiths are practised in different cultures. Recently, I attended a course on courageous advocacy and justice, which deepened my understanding of how we can create positive change in our community and the wider world. I also regularly meet with other RE teachers across Oxfordshire to explore and compare resources for teaching different religions and philosophies. Through our RE curriculum, I aim to help children develop respect, empathy, and a deeper understanding of the diverse beliefs that shape our school and our world.
Our Vision for RE
Our religious education curriculum is rooted in the principles that everyone is different, everyone is special, and everyone is our neighbour. Pupils explore the beliefs, traditions, and practices of diverse faiths and worldviews, fostering understanding and respect for others. By reflecting on their own values and identities, pupils develop a sense of purpose and confidence in their unique contributions. Grounded in compassion and justice, our curriculum encourages pupils to care for others, promote fairness, and contribute to a harmonious and hopeful world.
RE Teaching and Learning
Our RE teaching and learning is based on the Oxford Diocesan Board of Education (ODBE) RE Scheme, which provides a flexible framework to meet the needs of our Locally Agreed Syllabus. Each year group will study 6 units across the school year, learning about a range of faiths and worldviews. Each unit is guided by an enquiry question, encouraging pupils to think critically and reflect deeply. We integrate the disciplinary skills of philosophy, sociology, and theology into our RE teaching, enabling pupils to explore complex concepts and develop their ability to reason and analyse. Teachers adapt activities to suit the needs and context of their classes, creating an inclusive and relevant learning experience.
Assessment in RE
In RE lessons, teachers assess pupils continually through their teaching, using a range of strategies to monitor understanding and adapt lessons accordingly. This ongoing assessment allows teachers to reinforce key concepts, revisit learning where necessary, and ensure that every child is able to make progress. At the end of each unit, teachers assess each child's understanding of the content, considering their ability to engage with enquiry questions, apply disciplinary skills, and reflect on different beliefs and worldviews. These assessments inform future planning, ensuring that the RE curriculum is tailored to meet the needs of all pupils and supports their personal and spiritual development.
Key Documents